Introduction to Management (Level 3 -60 Credits)

All applications to any programmes are done via this portal. You are required to create a prospective applicant account before you can apply. Refer to how to apply below for more information.


This introduction to management level 3 university foundation programme is a 60 credit qualification (equivalent to one A level). It is aimed at students looking at gaining university entry or management experience to gain a promotion or widen their job prospects. It is particularly suited to practising team leaders seeking to move to the next level of management. It will also provide an entry level qualification for those who have studied business related subjects at Level 2 or 3 and who wish to gain skills and competencies for employment in a management setting.

Introduction to Management (Level 3 -60 Credits)
Application Duration: Aug 23, 2023 - Dec 10, 2023
Application Fee No application fee
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High School Education
