Entrepreneurship and Management (Level 4 and Level 5 - 240 Credits)

All applications to any programmes are done via this portal. You are required to create a prospective applicant account before you can apply. Refer to how to apply below for more information.


The level 4 diploma in entrepreneurship and the level 5 diploma in business management are a 240 credit course designed to provide business managers and the CEO's of tomorrow with the skills needed to succeed in business, with a specific focus on innovation and entrepreneurship within medium to large businesses.

Entrepreneurship and Management (Level 4 and Level 5 - 240 Credits)
Application Duration: Aug 22, 2023 - Dec 10, 2023
Application Fee No application fee
More Information

To enroll onto the level 4 course, you must be at least 18 and have a full secondary education. Before enrolling onto the level 5 course, you must have attained a level 4 or equivalent.
